
I look forward to this time every year.

It is the moment when the insights and energies of the past year and the vision and steps for the next year overlap.

I heard many years ago that this is called the crystallization period in the Biodynamic tradition.

On the physical plane, at least here in the northern hemisphere, it is the time when water, that foundational component in all of life, begins to shift from a liquid to a solid form.

With the contracting light imposing upon our days and nights, we have been supported in spending time within and at rest - an opportunity for reconnection.

Outside, the microbes in the soil, the digestion of the life of the last growing season slows, we are positioned for the next year, whether well or poorly, and we now have time to consider that next year.

For many, much perspective and consideration are occurring, from their lives to the culture, the environment, and more.

In that spirit, I share what came through me recently...


I was in conversation with a friend last night, and he asked, “What is the theory of change of the BFA?” I know the term “theory of change” but have never really studied it or gone through a process of trying to get one, but I shared the following with him.

We understand that we are what we eat, and all have a vibe. The vibration of our being is affected by what we build that being from on the continuum between dissonant and resonant. How we vibrate affects the world around us. Of course, the food for our being must be understood as more than just the physical material ingested. Our thoughts, feelings, conversations, relationships, the ideas and energies we expose ourselves to from the world around us, all of these things go to make up our vibe.

Foundationally, however, here on the physical plane, we are animals, and our vitality is dramatically governed by what we build our body out of and who with. Never to forget that perhaps only 10% of the cells in our body are human. It is only through that symbiosis with other kingdoms that we should expect higher levels of coherence in our Selves.

What we eat, how we eat it with whom, and how it was produced is a powerful thing to come together around; through doing it better, we actually effectuate the world we all envision.

In my mind, all humans have a desire for honor and fulfillment and purpose and meaning, as well as for health and vitality for themselves, their families and communities, the culture, and the environment.

“Increasing Quality in the Food Supply,” the stated purpose of the BFA, means supporting all our bodies and relationship with nature so that we may be in a place to more deeply bring that world into being.


Those who have been with the organization for some time may appreciate the progress thus far and see that going forward into this next year, and beyond, much is in place to support that shift into greater health of all of our beings and structures and cycles.

More on that in the coming days, but for now, a moment to pause and contemplate, and reflect and envision.

Thank you all for your engagement and efforts and work in your ways.

We all have our visions and missions, and purpose; that which invigorates us and feeds us, and those things which leave us feeling less resonant.

May we each in the year ahead hew more well to that which we are called to in life and let the rest be like the residue on the soil, digested to feed life, in the next year.


