Spring 2022

As we collectively anticipate the Spring Equinox, plans crystallized over the winter months are sprouting new growth. These are exciting times, and we feel the potential to accomplish so much this year, and we'd like to include you.

Over the past decade, we’ve been a small organization with big ideas. Now, we are recognized as a global leader in nutrient density.

In 2022, we plan to build upon this momentum to define nutrient density and give the tools to farmers and consumers to participate, learn, grow and eat this food to transform our food supply.

We can’t and don’t do this work alone. It takes a community to create the change we want to see.

As founder of BFA, I wanted to take a moment to share with you - our community - our plans for the upcoming year.

Please join us for our next "Let's Talk Bionutrient" webinar:

2022: Big Picture
Wednesday, March 23rd @ Noon EST


Thank you for being here. I hope to see you all next week!

Yours in the soil,


2022: Engaging the Bionutrient Community

Soil & Nutrition Conference

As the world opens up, we are putting energy into reconvening in-person for our flagship event later this year! We’ve missed your smiling faces and hope you'll plan to join us!

Be sure to pencil in these dates in your calendar:

December 2 - 4, 2022
Location: TBA

The SNC virtual venue in 2021 offered unique benefits and was an overall success with an impressive cast of experts, leaders, scientists, and farmers.

If you missed any of the SNC last year, we’ve now released all of the sessions on our BFA YouTube channel.

BFA YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/bionutrient

“Let’s Talk Bionutrient” webinars

We will continue to host virtual education and discussion sessions through our “Let’s Talk Bionutrient” series for BFA members. This is an opportunity for active BFA members to stay connected with our work to advance “bionutrient” food, farming, and science throughout the year.

It’s a deep dive for our members and supporters to engage panels of leaders, experts, and scientists in the process.

We hosted our first event last month with the theme of variation as our work over the past number of years has, among other things, shown that variation in nutrient levels in our food differs dramatically. Understanding this key insight leads us to a deeper exploration of food, crops and soil.

Subsequent events this year will include topics related to Bionutrient Food, Farming and Science.

Click here to watch the recording from the first LTB discussion on VARIATION: https://vimeo.com/672953110/09643cf321

Our next event will be broadcast next week. See below for details.


If you're interested in participating in our “Let’s Talk Bionutrient” series throughout the year, consider joining BFA as a member!

We hope you'll find our new membership structure as exciting as we do. We're offering new benefits to members, building opportunities to deepen engagement, community, and education.

Individuals can join at the price of just $50/year, which we hope will be sufficiently accessible for almost everyone. There are also new levels for farm, business, and corporate members.

Our new membership portal is launching soon - Join now:

Local Chapters

In 2022, we’re excited to launch a restructure of our local chapter program!

2017 BFA Chapter leader meeting with states represented: MA, OH, VA, NY, NH, CT, MI, IL and CA.

While we’ve had excellent and knowledgeable leaders through the years of this program, historically, we‘ve lacked the internal capacity to provide adequate support of what this program is worthy of. We see the great potential and hear the enthusiasm for local organizing and education, and now can support it.

This is an excellent opportunity for you to engage with your local community in communion, potluck, farm/garden walks, and practical how-to education. We are engaged in recording gardening and growing modules to support these events.

Another exciting aspect of this program is with Bionutrient meter owners in hosting a house party to test food from local stores and farms to help identify and share the best sources for those in your community.

If you’re interested in becoming a BFA leader in your community, send us an email to info@bionutrient.org with the subject: Chapter Leadership

Soil Health Guidance
(formerly Agronomy support)

Faith Reeves, our long-time friend and colleague from Iowa, has been studying and practicing for years to learn and support those who want to implement the “Principles of Biological Systems.” She is now willing to provide personalized coaching to those who want that personal touch as they work with their land.

This is offered as a benefit to active BFA members with the launch of our new membership!

Defining Nutrient Density in Beef

The primary research objective of the BFA in 2022 is to create the first nutrient-density definition of beef. While we have successfully documented nutrient variation across dozens of crops, we have not yet “defined” nutrient density as it is a much more complex endeavor. It has been a key point of my presentations recently, the difference between variation and nutrient density, and is worthy of a separate newsletter to go into the topic properly. For now, we are very excited to have completed proof-of-concept over the past few years and to be at the point of accomplishing our objective finally.

Our research target is to enroll 200 growers from across the planet to participate in the project this year that will assist us with the world’s first nutrient density definition by the end of this year. About 50 growers are signed up currently, and we are still taking submissions.

For those who are interested in learning more, here is the link:

Variation in your food

We have programs that invite you to participate to give you the ability to test your food, crops, or soil whether you're a farmer, concerned citizen or individual wanting to learn more about the food you are consuming, feeding your family, or growing.

Data from the Bionutrient Institute's Food Desert Report.

Our Citizen Science, City Sampling, Grower or Organizational Partner programs provide an opportunity for you to engage and obtain tools to improve the quality and nutrient density of the food in your community, farm or home.

Join us next week...

You are invited to join for our next "Let's Talk Bionutrient" webinar where we will share our plans for the BFA future and give you an opportunity to meet our staff of people engaging in and leading these programs.

Bionutrient Food Association is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Let's talk Bionutrient - 2022: Big Picture!

Time: Mar 23, 2022 12:00 PM EST

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 846 9500 9389
One tap mobile
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Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
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Meeting ID: 846 9500 9389
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kVxf6oTS0

Bring your questions and ideas for the future of BFA!

Who would you like to hear speak at the next SNC? What topics should we cover? Are you interested in starting a BFA chapter?

Email your questions or comments ahead of time to:
info@bionutrient.org with the subject: Questions: Let's Talk Bionutrient!

The first few talks are open to the public. In the future, these will be offered as a benefit to BFA members only.

We hope to see you there and look forward to deeper engagement throughout the year!


BFA Newsletter - 5/19/22


Let’s talk